
Golden leaves adorn the trees
They melt my heart like honeybees
Basking in the brevity
Nothing lasts too long
I am you and you are me
Pulsing dreams of ecstacy
Gliding through this Mystery
Living in this song
Light on the water - light inside
Meet me where the waves of love collide

— -Light on the Water


Immersed in the inspiring beauty of Sedona’s majestic Red Rocks and held in an ever-deepening co-creative intimate love, Rich Schonberg has been writing, performing and recording songs that emanate from his Soul’s journey and honor the emergence of the Divine feminine both within his own being and throughout humanity at this time of great transformation.

Since moving out west three decades ago, Rich has been channeling encoded music pouring forth from the soul-resonant waters he sits beside each day, seeding the planet with songs that touch the universal yearnings within us all.

Signed to a record deal with Higher Power Productions in 1995, Rich’s music has been described as “beautiful songs with conscious lyrics that are filled with depth and grace”.  His albums were chosen by the producers of “What The Bleep Do We Know” to be part of their catalogue of new-thought inspirations, and in 2013, Rich performed his original song “Somewhere Down the Road” at the Hollywood International Songwriting Competition and took first prize.

Rich is currently releasing his 5th CD – “Light on the Water”, a compilation of songs that honor the heart of compassion, the wisdom of the emotional body, and the innocence of the inner child in us all.
