Scenes fly by to my eagle’s eye

Patterns form and fade

Chaos reigns when my lizard brain

Gets lost inside the fray

     In the mirror stands the dreamer

     Woken by the sun’s celestial code

     Will he dance through this endless trance

     Or let love lead him home


Stories tell of a mighty swell

That washes us away

A glowing tide and we take the ride

To find a brand new day

     In the mirror stands the sailor

     Angels guiding him through rocky shoals

     Will he dance through this endless trance

     Or let love lead him home


And this moment is my altar

It’s the past that led me here

A silent voice unfurls the choice and the waters rise 

The wind replies


Now I find my peace of mind

Swimming with the stream

I jump inside and open wide and feel her sweet relief

     In the mirror stands the prophet

     Words of love are pouring from his soul

     He broke the trance of this endless dance and

     Let love lead him home….OM….OM….