Cup’s already broken, yet we still imbibe

Truth’s been spoken – We’re already gone, yet still alive


There’s a bird inside my soul

He echoes a song from long ago

He rides the wind and sees it all

And we’re flying over the canyon walls


Fresh from the fire – Starlight in our eyes

Home’s our true desire, yet we are lost and don’t know why


There’s a muse inside my mind

She speaks to me in rhymes

She lifts me up before I fall

And we’re rising over the canyon walls


Will we rise before we fall

Ride the wind and see it all

Or will we hide like shadows in the night

In our caves of stone and steel and fright


The darkest of dungeons – Shackles forged from fear

Will cower and crumble at the sight of one sweet tear


There’s a queen inside my heart

She shows me what’s real and what is not

And when I heed her sacred call

We’re flying over the canyon… We’re rising over the canyon…

We’re living over the canyon walls