I was a loner, lost in space

Wandering through an empty skull in a cold and distant place

Tethered to nothing – holdin’ tight

Silence was my silver sun in the absence of all light


Dare I say, at the end of the day

Hope had died – till the whisper of your heart drifted by


I couldn’t imagine her song was for me

After all, I lost my way in this dark & violent sea


Dare I say, at the end of the day

I ‘bout drown – till the whisper of your heart turned me around


I caught the wind of your destiny

You knew just where I was meant to be

I trusted every turn along the way


Now here I stand on this rocky shore

The labyrinth of the minotaur

Stand in the bones of those who died

With just the whisper of your heart by my side


Oh my darlin’, how did you know

I was languishing without a soul

Needing a test of love to save me


Now here I stand on this rocky shore

Facing off with the minotaur 

Staring that bull straight in the eyes

With the whisper of your heart deep inside


He bellowed a riddle and lept at my throat

The answer was your velvet song and the love in every note


Dare I say, that bull turned away

And snorted a sigh

He said, “The whisper of your heart – It was the whisper of your heart

– It was the whisper of your heart” – that saved my hide